Certifying your Urban Small Lot or Apartment

Properties less than 10,500 square feet or apartment dwellers
Please allow 15-20 minutes to complete this application. You will be able to pause and save your entries should you need more time.

Watershed-Friendly Certification

Water surrounds us and all life depends on it. 

Even in urban environments, where many of our waterways may have been hidden or buried by development over time, we live within watersheds.

A watershed includes the land and all-natural surface water within it (rivers, creeks, ponds, etc.), human-manipulated bodies of water (piped and buried streams, streams flowing on concrete surfaces, etc.), treated water that is drawn from a specific land area, treated water that is released into a land area that drains to a single body of water. 

This application is designed for anyone who:

  • Manages an outdoor space measuring less than 10,500 square feet (1/4 acre)
  • Manages a shared outdoor space measuring less than 10,500 square feet (1/4 acre) with others
  • Manages a streetside, patio, or rooftop patio garden
  • Only controls their indoor living environment

The Urban/Small Property Watershed-Friendly Certification recognizes community members who incorporate best practices into their lives and where they live. 

No matter your living situation, you can positively impact drinking water and watersheds, near you and downstream.

Why should you certify your property to be watershed-friendly?
The goal of this project is to expand the number of watershed-friendly properties throughout the Commonwealth while at the same time educating residents, communities, educational institutions, and businesses about the value of a healthy watershed and best practices for improving water quality. Healthy landscapes make healthy communities. Certifying your property has many benefits including:

  • Protects your local streams and rivers and all the life that depends on clean water.
  • Promotes habitat for birds, fish and other wildlife.
  • Recognizes your commitment to best practices managing water on your property
  • Educates others about healthy watersheds
  • Brings awareness to the program
  • Helps support the Master Watershed Steward Program
  • Provides you with tools and resources to achieve a watershed-friendly status
  • Gives you “bragging rights” for all of your hard work

What do you need to do to certify your property?

1. Complete the online application. For a preview or printable worksheet of the application click here.

2. If you qualify, you will be emailed a certificate verifying that your landscape is watershed-friendly. We will also post mail you a free window decal. If your property does not qualify, please use the helpful resources on the application page to find out what you can do to make your property more watershed-friendly.

3. Qualifying property owners will be eligible to order a Watershed-Friendly Property sign. Your sign will be shipped to you within two weeks.

The certificate, door or window decal, and the sign show your commitment to managing a healthy watershed.

To see a photo gallery of certified properties, click here.

Do you need help or have questions?
Contact a Master Watershed Steward here.